Hive Open Mic week 134 : Who am I - Casting crowns (Song Cover by) @jmis101 [ENG/ESP]

in #hive-1057862 years ago

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Hello everyone
Hello open mic family.
Welcome to hive open mic week 134.
In response to this week's theme "Forgiveness" chosen by the community recent spotlight Artist and friend @yetxuni
I will be singing a song by Casting crowns titled Who am I.

I chose this song because when I think about the utmost forgiveness, I think about the love of God in my life.
His grace and mercies always sufficient for me even when I go astray.
His forgiveness is sure and can't be compared with man.
He does sufficient things because of who he is.

Forgiveness has to do with a lot. If one doesn't understand the situation, the person won't easily forgive you.
And once you are not forgiven you have a lot to lose, during this time you are vulnerable to any risk,harm and damages.

I hope you enjoy.
Thank you very much for stopping by.

Casting crowns - Who am I : Lyrics

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt?
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart?

Not because of who I am,
But because of what You've done.
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who You are.

I am a flower quickly fading:
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still You hear me when I'm calling.
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling.
And You've told me who I am.
I am Yours, I am Yours.

Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again?
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me?

Not because of who I am,
But because of what You've done.
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who You are.

I am a flower quickly fading:
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still You hear me when I'm calling.
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling.
And You've told me who I am.
I am Yours.

Not because of who I am,
But because of what You've done.
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who You are.

I am a flower quickly fading:
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still You hear me when I'm calling.
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling.
And told me who I am.
I am Yours, I am Yours, I am Yours.

Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
'Cause I am Yours, I am Yours.

Lyrics Source


Hola a todos
Hola familia del micro abierto.
Bienvenidos a la semana 134 del micro abierto de la colmena.
En respuesta al tema de esta semana "El perdón" elegido por la comunidad reciente artista destacado y amigo @yetxuni
Voy a cantar una canción de Casting crowns titulada Who am I.

Elegí esta canción porque cuando pienso en el máximo perdón, pienso en el amor de Dios en mi vida.
Su gracia y misericordia siempre son suficientes para mí, incluso cuando me descarrilo.
Su perdón es seguro y no se puede comparar con el del hombre.
Él hace cosas suficientes por ser quien es.

El perdón tiene que ver con mucho. Si uno no entiende la situación, la persona no te perdonará fácilmente.
Y una vez que no te perdonan tienes mucho que perder, durante este tiempo eres vulnerable a cualquier riesgo,daño y perjuicio.

Espero que lo disfrutes.
Muchas gracias por pasar por aquí.

Casting crowns - Who am I : Lyrics

Quién soy yo, para que el Señor de toda la tierra
Se preocuparía por saber mi nombre,
se preocuparía por sentir mi dolor?
¿Quién soy yo, para que la estrella de la mañana
Que decide iluminar el camino
Para mi corazón siempre errante?

No por lo que soy,
Sino por lo que Tú has hecho.
No por lo que he hecho,
Sino por lo que Tú eres.

Soy una flor que se desvanece rápidamente:
Hoy estoy aquí y mañana me iré.
Una ola arrojada en el océano,
Un vapor en el viento.
Pero Tú me oyes cuando te llamo.
Señor, Tú me atrapas cuando estoy cayendo.
Y me has dicho quién soy.
Soy tuyo, soy tuyo.

Quién soy yo, para que los ojos que ven mi pecado
Me mirarían con amor y me verían levantarme de nuevo?
¿Quién soy yo, para que la voz que calmó el mar
Llamaría a través de la lluvia
Y calmar la tormenta en mí?

No por lo que soy
sino por lo que Tú has hecho.
No por lo que he hecho,
Sino por lo que Tú eres.

Soy una flor que se desvanece rápidamente:
Hoy estoy aquí y mañana me iré.
Una ola arrojada en el océano,
Un vapor en el viento.
Pero Tú me oyes cuando te llamo.
Señor, Tú me atrapas cuando estoy cayendo.
Y me has dicho quién soy.
Soy tuyo.

No por lo que soy,
Sino por lo que Tú has hecho.
No por lo que he hecho,
Sino por lo que Tú eres.

Soy una flor que se desvanece rápidamente:
Hoy estoy aquí y mañana me iré.
Una ola arrojada en el océano,
Un vapor en el viento.
Pero Tú me oyes cuando te llamo.
Señor, Tú me atrapas cuando estoy cayendo
Y me dices quién soy.
Soy tuyo, soy tuyo, soy tuyo.

¿A quién debo temer?
¿A quién debo temer?
Porque soy tuyo, soy tuyo.

Fuente de la letra

▶️ 3Speak


I chose this song because when I think about the utmost forgiveness, I think about the love of God in my life.

This is so true. He is an ever forgiving God!
Nice performance dearie 🤗

Thank you very much dear.

You're welcome dear

Alright dear

God's forgiveness is eternal. I love your interpretation and I live that you chose to use a gospel song, nicely one

Thank you very much dear.

@jmis101 nice one dear❤

This is such a wonderful performance ❤ 👏
Blessings on blessings dear

Thank you very much dear.
I really appreciate your continuous support.

Saludos amiga @jmis101 una bella entrada y cantada a capella lleva más mérito. Posees un hermosa voz amiga. Dios te bendiga🤗🎧⭐🎼😃💖🎙️💫🎵🎵🎵😃🎤❤️💚💛💜💙💞

Thank you very much dear.
This really means a lot.

A good performance. Nice voice.

Keep it up

Thank you very much dear



What beautiful rendition
Truly God looks beyond us, far over our human nature.
Great job friend

Thank you very much dear.
This really means a lot.

Good job dear, you always bless us with amazing music... You've just delivered another masterpiece. Thanks for sharing this beautiful song with us. You're doing well 😃👍

Thank you very much sholex my man, your comment gives me joy.

Hello beautiful @jmis101, a pleasure to have you around!!!!

Beautiful and heartfelt a cappella song!!! I congratulate you because as I always say it is not easy to sing songs of this type. I recommend you to pay close attention to the end of the phrases in order to place the notes where they go.

Your lines are so accurate because it is indeed so, God and his mercy always surrounds us, and even when we are lost he always extends his hand to forgive us and bring us back!!!

God bless you friend!

Thank you very much friend.
This really means a lot.