"Origami Workshop Afterwards"
I did an Asian Heritage Month, Online Origami Workshop with elementary school students and wrote about it before. After that, I received a surprise gift from them. It touched me very much because they tried to make beautiful artwork using origami paper.
They said that they really enjoyed it and their favourite Japanese word was "Konnichiwa (こんにちは)" which means "Good afternoon" or "Hello." I am glad that they remember that phrase because it's a handy and common greeting phrase.
I never expected to have a significant result from this workshop but I really appreciated joining this kind of event through national Asian Heritage Month. To tell the truth, I had some sad racism experiences before. A few experiences were toward me, the other big experience was with other Persons of Colour (POC) as well. I tried to stand up and help in that situation but I couldn't help completely. I experienced and noticed that there are many impossible situations and systems for minorities in our society. So, this workshop had a deep meaning for me. After watching and communicating with young students, I felt that passing Asian culture this way is more peaceful and meaningful instead of being knocked down by racism.
Additionally, after reading Paper Cranes in the Wild ~ Origami Japan by @dbooster, my vision became wider. We never know if a small experience will continue to have meaning in somebody's life. After dropping or introducing a piece of information, it may become a bigger and wider thing.
I don't expect everybody to understand each other or other cultures easily but I don't want to stop hoping that we all could support each other someday in peaceful ways.
とても楽しんでくれたようで、好きな日本語は”こんにちは”だったと教えてくれました。"こんにちは" はとても簡単に気軽に使える日本語なのでよかったです。
さらに、 by @dboosterさんの Paper Cranes in the Wild ~ Origami Japanの記事を読んでから、私の視野がさらに広がった気がします。小さな経験が他の誰かの人生にとってはとても意味のあるものになることもあるのだなと思いました。ちょっとした情報を紹介したことで、その情報は大きく広くなっていくこともあるのだと思います。
About Person of Color(POC) POCについてはコチラ:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Person_of_color
The students created beautiful origami artwork and wrote a wonderful letter inside for me. They must use a lot of effort making this artwork.
About Asian Heritage Month アジア遺産月間についてはコチラ:https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/campaigns/asian-heritage-month.html