DIY Poll: What's THE "ONE" TOOL in your arsenal?

in #hive-1045002 months ago

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In our DIYHub Community, we explore a wide variety of DIY projects across different niches, techniques, and outcomes. But we all have a love/hate relationship with:

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This tool is always on your mind because you:

  • Love using it
  • Have to use it regularly
  • Are emotionally attached to it
  • Paid a lot for it
  • Find it challenging to use
  • Spend late nights searching the internet for solutions on how to fix it

Whether you adore it or find it frustrating when it doesn’t cooperate, we want to hear about your experience with this tool. While we can’t list every tool out there, we’ve provided some options below, and there’s an “Others” option where you can tell us more in the comments.

We’re also curious—does this tool ever drive you crazy? If so, share your story! Your comment might just spark a discussion where you can get some helpful tips from the community 😊

🎉 One lucky commenter will earn 50% of the rewards from this poll! 🎉


Sewing machine

Wow! This is so interesting, I will like to share my view on this topic THE "ONE" TOOL , for me, my sewing machine is one tool I love so much and I can't really do without, it has been so useful and helpful to me since when I got it, I used it for sewing most of my projects here and also making beautiful outfit for my family and friends, though when I got it, I don't really know about sewing that much but has time goes on, I with constant use of it, I got use to it, it has not really been given me problem but the most difficulty I encounter with it is the fact that whenever I'm, I have to drag my fabric with my hand from behind for it to move which was supposed to be done with stress on it's own, I find this very Frustrating and I've not gotten solution to it but I have been using it that way.

Good thing you have a sewing machine. My mom also complains about having to pull the fabric to make her machine run. It must be something that a lot of machines come up with. One day I started collecting to buy one, but then couldn't complete 😞.

Hello everyone around here. Looking at the leaderboard I was not surprised to see THE SILICON GUN on the list 😃 it is one of the tools I like to use the most, however it is also the one that has caused me the most discomfort. It is an excellent tool as it helps us to streamline and secure our work, but it is frustrating at times to use. Several times I have burned myself with it. Some of the silicone rods drip a lot and material is lost. One day I forgot to unplug it and it was on for almost 20 hours. My gun has been with me for many years and although I want to buy a more modern one, this one will always be my favorite, even if it hurts me sometimes 😃.

Hola a todos por aquí. Al ver la tabla de posiciones no me sorprendió ver en la lista LA Pistola DE SILICÓN 😃 es una de las herramientas que más me gusta usar, sin embargo también es quien me ha ocasionado más malestares. Es una excelente herramienta ya que nos ayuda a agilizar y asegurar nuestro trabajo, pero es frustrante a veces usarla. Varias veces me he quemado con ella. Algunas barras de silicón se chorrean muchísimo y se pierde material. Un día olvidé desconectarla y estuvo casi 20 horas encendida. Mi pistola tiene conmigo muchos años y aunque quiero comprar una más moderna, esta será siempre mi consentida, aunque me lastime a veces 😃

The one that I have an infuriating love/hate relationship is my phone. It's the tool I use to learn new things, to find parts I need, to document my work, and so many other things. As I've aged, however, I can't really read the screen without reading glasses, so for it to even be useful for me, I have to have those handy as well. Out here in the boonies, service can be sketchy, especially in the hollers.

Most days, I want to throw it in the river and never get another one. It's undeniable, however, that it has made me better at almost everything I do. To hell with the phone, even if it is the most useful tool I carry around! 😂

Greetings @diyhub, one of my favorite and most used tools is the sewing machine, but there is another one that is indispensable in my sewing works, it is the seam ripper or seam ripper, I don't do my sewing works without this tool, you never know when you need to unpick a seam that was out of place.

On several occasions I have pricked myself, because it has a fine and sharp tip, this tool has been a great help in my sewing work, I can not imagine my projects without it, although it is small it has a great utility and versatility.

Happy weekend!


Yes you are right in diyhub community we make various interesting crafts by using different tools. Also prepare art with various crafts by carving brain with different time experience and sharpness. I also think sometimes, to prepare an art, you have to work at night. When it is 12 o'clock in the night, I get a little angry with myself. No, I can't and I won't do it, that's what I say. But still I know why I spend time pretending to be a little crazy for a while. But in hindsight I think this art must be done. No matter the time. After a while, I can't control myself. I start again, I throw myself into such thoughts. But when I feel about the top spot of this platform. Then I woke up the thought of becoming a commentator. Also, I appreciate all the good posts through comments. Which sums up my experience. Again many times I make myself curious. If I'm never preparing an art, I make myself feel the time. When the work needs to be completed, it's just like that.

I absolutely love making cardboard art. I find it very loving to make cardboard works so difficult.

I usually use paper and cardboard crafts regularly.

When I comment on a user. Then it really involved me in the experience with him. When someone comments on me, I feel obligated to reply to their comments.

All the activities that I do on this platform are conducted in different communities. It's never about money. Rather for the effort to be part of the family collectively with everyone.

Above all based on one's skills, creating a new art. A lot of things are challenging. But here I think it is very important to have an idea about the creation of the world and find an alternative path as challenging.

Although I limit all my activities till midnight. A few days ago, internet was not being used properly for the last 14 days in our country. Which is due to problems by the government. But I don't stay up late at night for internet. But regularly I indulge myself in going to sleep at twelve o'clock. Searching the internet at night is highly recommended for me. Because I have to work long hours only during the day.


Thank you very much for all the hard work and organization.