If you love the gardening activities, this is a plants that you love so much.
The plant is an arbust that grow around 3 matters from the soil, reason that give a beautiful election to has this in your gardening, it is a middle sun and shadow to grown.
The plants produce a beautiful fruits, in orange, green, and yellow combination of colors during the process of growing, and of course it give you a gardening very productive and beautiful because the color is combined with a jelly form, combinated with the sun you are getting a brilliant and transparent colors.
The flowers are too beautiful too, with purple color combinated with the fruits and a big quantity of leaves you could get one of the most beautiful combination of colors in one plants.
The roots are a little expensive, and it could be growing very good in a pot, if you do not have a big space in your yard or land.
Thanks a lot, photos are my English mistakes too.