Interview with Jewelry Designer Katerina Marmagioli

in #ecency4 months ago

Hi There! Do you love fine jewelry? If yes, you might be happy with this new jewelry designer interview.

Picture provided by Katerina Marmagioli

Hey there, fantastic friends! Let’s give a warm welcome to Katerina Marmagioli, the super master of making jewelry magic! She’s not just any jewelry designer—think of her as a wizard of sparkles, turning dreams into the fanciest, shiniest fine jewelry you’ve ever seen!

Imagine wearing a necklace that’s like a real star or a ring so shiny it’s like dragon treasure. That’s the cool enchantment Katerina makes with her designs!

Well, here’s the thing: Katerina doesn’t just snap her fingers and poof there’s a fabulous necklace. Oh no, that’s where the magic really begins!

First, she thinks up her designs, like a painter imagining a masterpiece. And guess what? She even dreams about jewelry designs, just like I dream about designing my beadwork wonders!

Oh boy, let me tell you a super fun story! A few years ago, as I was getting better from my knee prosthetic surgery, I had this outstanding hobby called beading.

Imagine this: even when it was the middle of the night and everyone else was snuggled in bed, I would wake up with the coolest new jewelry designs swirling in my head!

Can you believe it? I’d grab a pencil and paper to jot down my sparkly ideas, so I wouldn’t forget them when the sun came up. Yup, it was like drawing magical patterns with a sleepy pen!

Ok, you know what? It might sound a little wacky, but hey, creativity doesn’t take naps, right? I still bead from time to time, but no more waking up in the middle of the night. Hmm, right, this is about jewelry designer Katerina, not me.

You are perhaps more than ready to dive into the world of jewelry dreams and design? Grab your fantasy cap, because we’re about to embark on a journey that’ll make your heart glitter!

Picture provided by Katerina Marmagioli

What is your name, function and the company you work for?
My name is Katerina Marmagioli, I am the designer and owner of Katerina Marmagioli fine jewelry.

How old are you? I am 48 years old.

What kind of work do you do, or what are you studying to be? I am a designer, and managing the entire brand, from the point of concept of a new line to fabrication and commercialisation of this line.

What made you decide to become a Jewelry Designer? It started as a second/side occupation, more of a hobby, when I was a lawyer and became a primary job later. It was an obvious career change when I saw that my jewels were very well received and there was potential. The lifestyle change that this career change would bring also attracted me.

Is fashion important to you? Why? Fashion is a form of wearable art and, thus, is very important to me. There is an amazing interaction. Social changes inspire fashion designers and the outfit defines the wearer.

Picture provided by Katerina Marmagioli

What are your successes, and how did you achieve them? I have worked with amazing retailers, and they featured my work in many international fashion and industry magazines. I consider this an achievement, and all of this came from tons of hard work!.

What’s something you might want to do in the future? I would like to develop better business skills, so that I can further develop my work. At this stage 90% of what I do is drive the business by making many mistakes at every level, so developing this side is crucial to me.

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy clothing or jewelry? Yes, it is. I want to connect the item I buy with the person who designed it. I wear both, clothes of emerging designers and well-known brands.

Describe your personal style of fashion? This is a tough question. Maybe maximalistic. I am quite classic, but I do not take myself too seriously, and I like to overdress.

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? I guess it developed itself.


Picture provided by Katerina Marmagioli

Do you have an influence on other people’s fashion style? I think my influence is through my work. When someone wears my jewels, I influence their style. We actually blend and we create something together.

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment? I find gender fluidity in clothing and jewelry amazing. I think it allows a lot of creativity and liberty to choose from what is available.

What kind of fashion advice would you give us? I would advise anyone to dare to wear. In my eyes there is no poor taste. What is sad and boring is uniformity, wearing exactly what everyone else does. Dare to be distinctive, dare to be unforgettable.

Who is your style icon and why? Diane Vreeland. She had an amazing personality and amazing life experiences, which translated to a unique, amazing style.

Is there something else you would like to share with us? Just to repeat, dare to be different.

Picture provided by Katerina Marmagioli

Big thanks, Katerina, for working with me on this interview. Your jewelry is seriously one-of-a-kind, and it's mega awesome that it got to shine at fancy Nobel Prize events!

Hey, if you're not ready to stop reading, you can check out some of the cool interviews I had with other jewelry designers earlier! So, if you're up for more sparkly stories, they're just waiting for you to dive in! 📚🌟

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day

Renata (Seadbeady)

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