Possible Collaborations, Partnership And A New Community Of Constructiveness And New Positive Ideas To Create A Different World Towards Building A Valuable Decentralized Ecosystem

in #diy11 months ago

Image Source: Pixabay

Greetings awesome Hive community!

It's no doubt how swift and fast the web3 digital world is changing with no signs of slowing down. This new era will change the way we work together, harness valuable products and services, collaborate with other web3 projects, and ultimate build online communities. As trust and transparency remains vital components for any successful organization, web3 will open up a new world of possibilities for people and companies to work hand in hand together.

With diverse web3 companies and projects working hard to stand out with promises of being the next generation, it is really hard to know which one's real and and competitive. Truth is any project can successfully succeed and gain momentum, but the world of DIY will never go out of fashion and value. As we keep striving to constantly keep adding value to humanity, there are lot's of setbacks that has hindered us in the past, notwithstanding as change is always constant we will embrace it and keep the community updated and in place.

Understanding the Value of DIY in today's world

We as humans are diversely craft, children learn by creating (Lego) and playing. As learning never ends, doing thigs ourselves will never end ultimately. Overtime, as humans we get to loose this playful trait we develop as kids, we find ourselves in a span of activities and responsibilities. As time goes we simply find ourselves giving excuses and reasons why we can't get some simple tasks done and do what we know only because it's safe, some even go as far as hiring a service person to get the job done for them. All of this irresponsible act robs us off the joy or using our own bare and minds to create something simply unique and and special.

From my own little research I've observed over the years, creating DIY projects goes way further than being clever or smart. It is more about the value and satisfaction we derive when you take your valued time in making something unique yourself. The fact that everything has become so rushed and automated, some people don't even cook for themselves. We can go through our entire adult lives without even creating one single thing and it's really sad.

Our Mission

Just like every other successful start up, or mission is very simple. We want to encourage, connect, and onboard all DIY lovers and handmade craft from all web1 and 2 platforms inside a decentralize web3 ecosystem. This of course will not be possible without the help of our team, project stakeholders, investors and supporters. With this, we can effortlessly bridge the world of DIY and web3 using Hive immutable blockchain.

With all due respect we would like to tag some big Hive stake holders we would love to collaborate and work with; @theycallmedan, @jphamer1, @sandymeyer, @disregardfiat.

Discord: https://discord.gg/ESvdZ2V5jS