Interview with Jewelry Designer Rosie Harris

in #build-it8 months ago

Hi There..... Are you a fan of nature jewelry?

Picture provided by Rosie Harris

Then perhaps you will be happy to know my next interview is about a jewelry designer. If not, that’s just too bad for you. 😂

Well then, fellow treasure seekers, get out your shovels to dig into this blog post. 😁

Ah yes, I had to dig deep into my mind to find the right introduction for this blog post, so the least you can do is lend me a hand. 😏

Today, we are diving headfirst into the background of a jewelry designer. Come on, what better way to cool down after shoveling than with a fresh dive? 😎

Once you’ve dried off and put away your towel, get ready to open the door to a mesmerizing world crafted by jewelry designer Rosie Harris. 😍

After all your hard work, relax with coffee, or tea, and enjoy my new jewelry designer interview. 😊
Picture provided by Rosie Harris

What is your name, function, and the company you work for?
Hi, I am Rosie, a jewelry designer and owner of the lifestyle jewelry brand Joie Designs.

How old are you?

What kind of work do you do, or what are you studying to be?
As a designer and business owner, I create coastal, lifestyle-inspired sterling silver, and gold vermeil jewelry. I wear a lot of different hats and am always studying/learning to improve my skills in both design and business.

What made you decide to become a Jewelry Designer?
I took a ring-making workshop and absolutely fell in love with it.

Is fashion important to you? Why?
Yes, and no. I love fashion as a form of self-expression, another avenue to express ourselves. I pay attention to trends as a designer, to stay in the know, but I’m not really into fast fashion, brand names, and fleeting trends.
Picture provided by Rosie Harris

What are your successes, and how did you achieve them?
Launching my hobby/passion project into my full-time business! Pushing fear aside, jumping in, and going for it. Believing in myself! Getting support and help from mentors and coaches.

What’s something you might want to do in the future?
Grow my business substantially. Travel more. Retire.

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy clothing or jewelry?
It is, but not as a status symbol. I don't care much about that. I am more interested in the story behind the brand. How it’s made. Is it known for quality and sustainability?

Describe your personal style of fashion?
Elevated casual laid back west coast style.

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look?
Timeless and feel-good is my style. I think being a small business owner influences me, as I tend to buy my clothes from other small businesses.
Picture provided by Rosie Harris

Do you have an influence on other people’s fashion style?
Maybe on their accessories, but mostly I just focus on doing my own thing.

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?
Slow fashion and seashell jewelry for the summer (I’m adding a few more seashells to our lineup this summer).

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?
Fast fashion, and fabrics made from plastic

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?
Be yourself. Don’t worry about what others are wearing. Styles always come back around. What you wore as a teenager will come back in style one day.

Who is your style icon and why?
Iris Apfel. She is an icon that totally has her own style and doesn’t follow trends. Expressing her opinion, she is quoted saying that fashion should be fun. She is a badass businesswoman and became a model at age 97!! She is such an inspiration!

Is there something else you would like to share with us?
Support brands that mean something to you. Don’t just buy stuff for their logo, status symbols, or because other people are doing it. Buy from companies that have a strong and distinctive ethos.

Picture provided by Rosie Harris

Thank you, Rosie, for answering my questions. I adore the charm of your jewelry, and I wholeheartedly concur that purchasing items solely because others possess them is misguided.

If, by chance, you feel a strong longing for more knowledge, fear not! Here are some links to some of my previous jewelry designer interviews:

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day

Renata (Seadbeady)

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