Dust off

in #blog2 years ago

Sept 8th. I made the decision.

Content creation and open DYI is now my career. Shoeing horses is nearly over. Until then, it is still content and I have years of unedited stuff on drives also.

I have been thinking about and investing a ton in this goal for years now. My life and my mind is literally jam packed with content opportunities. Yes, I know how that sounds, but its fucking true. I can weave my daily farrier grind, steelbak openDIY and homesteading kind of stuff, The DiggnDeeper.com open source and decentralization project and Flying-Higher content creation and marketing. It seems this can all be a perfect blend of all the things I am interested in and ways I can make good content - which has to be the most interesting and fun way to live life.

Steelbak is my personal channel. You will see how I do the blending from this channel. The other channels are to be the focus channels. I'll share the links and feeds from my other channels on this one, but not the other way around unless its particularly relevant.

There will be a focus on syndicating each channel to open platforms like #Hive and #LBRY, but syndication and interoperability FROM Wordpress is my absolute goal and I might look for funding to that end. Maybe Patreon or something of the sort. Honestly, I put most of my hope in Hive and that is where a lot of my focus goes. I am working on that over on the DiggnDeeper Project with the wp-web3-syndication plugin development. Updates for that coming soon.

I'm back in the habit of keeping all my storage cards and batteries well managed and getting back into the swing of capturing content. Its been a while since I have gone through all of the GoPros and I did find some leftover content on them. I put all the files on drives and found that I'm in need of another big storage device. Time to get another.

So much data.

I'm mostly experimenting with framing - like where to put the cameras as well as actually getting actual congruent content. That is actually really challenging. One miss on batteries, card or any other failure can cause the loss of the whole project. It's also very challenging to get the whole story captured. One hole in the story because time didn't allow or something through the day can actually throw the whole thing out the window.

Ask me how I know.

Then there is the editing.

After a long day of working and trying to capture the whole thing, its editing time. This is where I typically fall apart and just watch some Youtube until its time for bed. It's a real commitment and editing can be extremely time consuming. The decision has been made though. This is all I do now. Focus is the only thing that creates real success.

My editing station.

My editing setup is actually quite awesome and I'm lucky to have all the tools I do. It would be an absolute tragedy to waste that.

The only problem I have is that it is in the center of our house and there can be a lot of noise with my family doing there thing. I have a few thoughts as to what I can do about that, but this is probably were I'll be for now.

Channel Introduction Video For Each Channel.

I will start with this channel. I think it will be the easiest anyway. Then probably the farrier channel because it is also easy, then I think I'd like to tackle the DiggnDeeper Project intro video. That would be a unique thing to think about. I'll save the Flying-Higher video for last because it should probably be the most well done one, since quality content is the brand.

This is all about openDIY.

We want to learn how to make things and fix things and otherwise be self sufficient, well connected and robust. I think this is the way of the future and we now have the tools. I also believe we are living in the most transformative time in humanity. Open source and decentralized tech is leading to a complete new paradigm where the power can actually come from the ground up. We have more power in each of our pockets right now than all of humanity before us.

Monday Morning Publish Schedule

Monday mornings are going to be my first publish goal. Every Monday morning. I'm thinking that I can have all week to make the video, the weekends can be for editing and I will upload Monday morning until I have more than one publish pending and keep aiming to publish each channel once or twice a week. That would be 4-8 publishes per week across all channels.

I plan to create the blog posts first and probably publish the videos on the next available rotation.

New Logo and Better Branding

My OpenDIY brand needs to be much more clear and differentiated and I just came up with a logo.

It means; Always change for the better. Its and infinity, delta, greater-than. I'm hoping someone can make it look cool and I have more thoughts colors to maybe make it look like an arrow or rocket or something with flames going through the atmosphere. One of my daughters is an amazing artist and I'll see if she will play with it.

Flying-Higher editing streams.

Flying-Higher is a content creation and marketing brand, so it would make perfect sense to do regular streams of my editing so that I could learn and share that with my ever present open source tools and workflows.

Getting this editing stream and recording thing going should be a top priority. That can be a very consistent source of great content.

This is the dust off.

I'm hoping there will be something more like a launch that can be used to create more interest in the near future once I have some solid numbers to report.

Now that this post is complete, I will start on the video version.

Posted from my blog with Exxp : https://steelbak.com/2022/09/09-08-10-22-dust-off/

Dear @steelbak, we need your help!

The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago and only needs a few more HP to get funded again.

May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work this year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, Hive.blog or using HiveSigner.

Your support would be really appreciated.
Thank you!

I was wondering how come I couldn't follow you, and surprise! I already do.
In fact I think we've talked before.

I'm pretty sure that is true. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you around.

You liked one of my posts, and so I gave your stuff a visit.

I'm glad I did because I feel we have some things in common.
I too have drives full of un-edited footage and content that I take every chance I can to fit into my less-than-optimal "genre" of video content which is software/technology videos lol.

Anyways, glad to find you.

Yeah, my ADHD go whirrrrrrrr. I always spread myself too thin and cause myself to never get much done. I'm trying very hard to correct that, but I'm just not sure I will.

Man I'm in the same boat.
I'll have everything ready and feel determined to work on something, and then it's like I can't do it. "Ill do it after this, after that." and then it never gets done it seems like.
It's a habit I really hope to break.

Not sure if you heard, but today a major bank in the USA is failing. One I've never heard of called Silicon Valley Bank, but apparently it's one of the top 20 banks in the country.
Politicians are already calling for bailing them out if another bank doesn't step in before Monday. Scary times man.

I don't pay attention to the "news", but my wife does. She was telling us about it.

Scary times indeed. I wish we would just ignore the leaches that think they rule us and just do the right things. Sadly, there is no historical precedent that could ever happen.

Yeah, it's because they need us more than we need them usually.

Oh, I'm quite sure that's true!

Remember that guy Andrew Yang? He would always say we need Universal Basic Income because so many jobs were going to be lost to automation!
He said truck drivers should start learning how to code because those jobs would be going away.
Turns out, when it comes to automation, jobs like coding that are displaced first.
Who could have foreseen that it's a whole lot easier to automate something digital vs. something physical :)
I've heard so many people say how brilliant he is.
Anyone who is suggesting we pay everyone not to work(including those who do work) is obviously not a genius.

The idea of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) is often criticized as being coercive and antithetical to individual liberty. The idea of a UBI involves taking money from some individuals through taxation or other means, and redistributing it to others as a form of guaranteed income. This type of wealth redistribution is seen by many voluntaryists as a violation of property rights, as it involves the use of force to take from some individuals and give to others without their consent.

With that said, the specific argument against UBI in this context is that it fails to address the real issue at hand. The displacement of jobs due to automation is a legitimate concern, but the solution is not to simply pay people not to work. Instead, the focus should be on creating an environment that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship, which can lead to new jobs and economic growth. Additionally, individuals should have the freedom to adapt and retrain for new job opportunities as they arise, without being coerced into a particular path or relying on government handouts.

In regards to Andrew Yang's specific comment about truck drivers learning to code, it is true that many jobs that were thought to be safe from automation are now at risk. However, the solution is not to simply encourage people to move into other industries without addressing the root cause of job displacement. Rather, voluntaryists would argue for a free market approach that allows individuals to pursue their own interests and innovate, while respecting the property rights of others and minimizing the use of coercion and force.