Open Education - A New Paridigm.

in #anarchy3 years ago

The Philosophy: We Don't Need Government Schooling.

First off, I would like to state that the traditional misnomer of "Public Education" is anything but. It is neither Public nor Education, but rather Government Schooling.

There is a huge difference, and it matters.

Horace Mann created Government Schooling in the United States with the implicit goal of forming better workers and obedient citizens. It was never the design to create better minds and creators. It is very important to understand why our compulsory schooling was built.

Massive Shifts In Education Has Already Begun.

A change away from the old paradigm has actually been happening for some time now, but it certainly seems to be accelerating. There are so many options now.

The good news is that the old, outdated, centralized system is crumbling. Now, new open and decentralized solutions are popping up organically to fill the voids.

It is clear, from school shootings and bullying to teacher's unions, PTA problems, and so much more that government schools are a terribly toxic environment for our young minds and bodies.

Web3 Tools For Education

More innovation, community, accountability, and freedoms seem to be the trend lately, even in spite of all the terrible things mainstream wants us to believe.

Web2 technology really did pull us out of the rut we were in. For a while now, we have had tools like YouTube and more recently, other various online education platforms that have given us a-la-cate learning opportunities. Of course, the good of some of these platforms seems to have worn off.

Fortunately, web3 [open-source, decentralized technology] is here to take us to the next level. There is so much activity in the space as developers are solving problems in near realtime. This is the specific area that this project intends to spend the most effort investigating and hopefully assisting.

Where We Could Go Now.

We can do better. As I said above, we already are doing better, but it is so exciting to think of all the opportunities on the horizon.

Using the power of communities, we are already building more relevant educational opportunities. With the tools available now and more being rolled out regularly, this is increasing at a tremendous rate.

The endless leaching in the form of income taxes will be a hard battle to win, but it is coming. If we want true freedom, we need to detach from the government, but if we want real long-term success and innovation, we also need to become accountable for ourselves.

Join Us!

This is only the beginning of DiggnDeeper's investigation into this new paradigm for providing actual education.

Posted from my blog with Exxp :

I'm always in favor of putting education first. Knowledge develops as you read. We need to contribute to the expansion of a network by recommending the Hive Platform to all our colleagues around us.

Excellent resource. Is that your work?

No, that is a spanish fella killed by the spanish gov't in 1909 for loving freedom just a little too much.

I just mean the website. Whoever did that put a ton of work in.

The anarchist's library was one of the first websites, along with the now defunct revitalizing
I lost a couple years of forum posts when it went down.
It looks like some greeks have picked up its baton.

"The endless leaching in the form of income taxes will be a hard battle to win, but it is coming. If we want true freedom, we need to detach from the government..."

There are several reasons that just government would never impose a tax on wages, but they are immaterial because the USA is not a just government. The imposition of the federal income tax was undertaken during Christmas break, when important legislators were not present. Further, even the illegitimate passage of that legislation was never lawfully ratified by the requisite number of states. Finally, if you dig into the actual code of the claimed law that imposes a federal tax on wages, there is no actual direct statement that paying such tax is compulsory. When faced with legal challenges, however, the special tax courts that hear such cases have ubiquitously denied relief.

Income, like vaccination more recently, has been redefined to include wages. In 1913 income was profits, dividends, and similar rentier remuneration, and did not include hourly wages or salaries. The IRS just employs tyrannical tactics that it claims to have authority to impose, and the tax courts simply declare such actions lawful and the victims of the tyranny are deprived of assets and means of challenging the seizures and sentences imposed on those victims.

While Robber Barons and Banksters have long corrupted and degraded American government, as such has always been done everywhere that state power has been claimed to exist, a whole new paradigm of tyranny was imposed in 1913 with the delivery of the money creation power claimed to inure to Congress to private parties (the Fed) and the imposition of federal tax on wages. History reveals the increasingly onerous and bloodthirsty tyranny that has been undertaken by American federal government ever since, starting with WWI and the culling of the young men of their generation.

The mental gymnastics and convoluted irrationalization of jurisprudence and legislative power has continually reduced freedom and justice through increasing despotic tyranny and deranging indoctrination and propaganda. A significant portion of citizens do not understand that just governmental authority is delegated to government by they themselves, and derives only from their personal human rights. Worse, far more do not care they are so misled because of the depth of their psychological impairment and state of dependence on authority.

We are left to face the fact that those who cannot or will not undertake to seize their sovereignty and defend it have become chattel, not only preferring slavery to the responsibility for their own felicity, but willing to wage war against those that do not capitulate. Compounding and conflating this army of slaves enforcing slavery are those like Karel van Wolferen (@52:30), who mistake the ejection of Russia from the global financial system as a step towards decentralization and the restoration of independence, when it is in fact how nations will be subjugated by the NWO that is replacing the international system globally. The populations and property of the world cannot belong to the New World Order if they belong to the Old World Order, after all.

We who reject all tyranny from whatever source or legal theory claiming to justify it, whether of necessity or convenience, who undertake to create ourselves our independent means by virtue of our own actions and understanding, willing only to cooperate with peers and neither subjugate nor be subjugated by others, are whom will either surmount our challenges and deliver to our posterity that freedom and self sufficiency we create, or fail to do so.

All roads lead to Rome, it was once said. I note that all rabbit holes lead to the nexus of financial corruption and tyranny overlords are hell bent on. Once that hellish nexus is grasped there is only one way out: independent means. Any dependence on centralization is vulnerability that will be used to forcibly subjugate us to implacable overlords that will accept only complete capitulation.

We will be as free as we make us. Make your freedom by creating your prosperity.

There is an endless litany of government corruption and coercion with the goal of leaching off the doers of society.

I think the end of that has begun. I don't think it will ever go away completely, but open source and decentralized technology have given us the first-ever tools to change the power dynamic from top-down to bottom-up.

These tools have created a world where they just can't hide like they use to. These tools are also eliminated the perceived need for them also.

It really is a great time to be alive.

Agree on the point that Government education makes gaps everywhere and everywhen.
School education is old and is out-of-date. Besides it teaches the correct information for children to become good employees, good tax-payers and good obedient voters.
BUT now, the world has dramatically changed after the pandemic and since a couple of decades we are assisting at the huge revolution of the digital era. And youngsters are not ready for that.

I have created a community talking about some controversial topics. Would love to hear your opinion on that

Excellent. I'll look into this. Thanks for the invite.

I see you joined our Discord server too. That's awesome. I look forward to checking out your content and chatting with you about the way to a better future!

Sure thing!
We'll keep in touch