Running the Race of Life!

in #hive-1688698 months ago


The older I get, the more frantic I become to get things done as the days seem to be over in a flash!

Someone said to me that the days aren't getting shorter - obviously - it's just that I'm trying to squeeze too much into each day. It does feel like I'm running out of time, as my list of projects and dreams is very long, and still keeps on growing!

Life as I knew it, came to a standstill when I lost my soulmate last year, I was numbed with the shock, I however had to put on my 'big-girl shoes and get estate matters moving before a six-week whirlwind visit to my son across the waters. I came back home with more gusto but was stopped in my tracks again.

@galenkp's Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 192 became a new addition to my to-do list, as my weekends have been swinging between sedentary and buzzy busy, due to that loss, and then recent surgery.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓲𝓬𝓼
Is there something currently popular in society that really annoys you? What is it and why does it annoy you? Remember to use your own photos.

Are you physically active on the weekend or do you prefer a sedentary weekend lifestyle? Explain, and give examples. Remember to use your own photos.

You've gathered from my opening statement that I've chosen the latter topic.

The starting gates are about to open as I'm well on the way to recovery, so I took on a small project this weekend, acting as project manager.
It's still a work-in-progress and I will share some images once the project is completed.

Something that became an eyesore for Arthur and me was the back of the pool area. The lush shade grass did not like as much shade as the wild plum tree spread its wings, casting more and more shade at the back.
The most affordable way was to fence the back of the pool area off from the bottom section of the garden and use pebbles as a ground cover. The wild plum tree's roots are spread-eagled and peeking out above ground level, so paving was out of the question; a wooden deck would have been ideal, but I cannot spend too much on the property, as I may be selling in a couple of years; those years are catching up with me!



My brother and our gardener-cum-handyman were tasked with doing the physical work, and I was watching from my 'director's chair,' strolling down every so often to check the progress. I did have a pair of shears in my hand to trim some of the shrubs that grow wild here in our subtropical region in the summertime. I was careful to only tackle the slender branches, and not overdo it as it's only three weeks since my hernia surgery, don't want to undo the work of the good doctor!


I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,
I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.
To put to rest all that was not life,
And not, when I came to die
Discover I had not lived.
Henry David Thoreau

I've always tried to live my life like this, am determined to tick off as many of my 'to-do' and bucket lists while I can, and too many sedentary weekends just ain't part of that!

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You are such an inspiration and role model for us. Since first meeting you in the kitchens of (the now defunct) FFF and getting to know you throughout the years, I think of you as a sister @lizelle

♡This resonates with me♡

Arthur would be proud of the ugrades, improvements and work you're doing around the pool area and property.

Please continue to take things slowly as you mend.

Sending love and cyber hugs!

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Hi @ninahaskin, you are such a honey, know just when to pop in for a visit.

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement, I am taking it easy today and will be careful.

I believe Arthur would be happy with the little upgrades. He became very frustrated as he tired quickly the last year of his life, always blamed it on having being a diabetic from such a young age. But, he had a strong will and still bent over backwards to help those around him, the most unselfish and caring person I've ever known!

I also love those words of Henry Thoreau!

Have a great Sunday further Nina xxx

I have no idea how you do what you do! Seems like a tremendous amount to me!

I think time has sped up. The days are over before I've gotten much of anything done, even if I am busy all day long. I no longer hurry, because that's how older people get injured, but I don't that's why I get so little done. It sounds ridiculous, but many people are complaining about the same thing now. Perhaps time is not as fixed and steady as we have been led to believe.

Goodness I don't think I knew about your surgery. I wish you a very speedy recovery, and that you don't overdo! xo

I finally had the hernia surgery that I kept postponing last year, really felt sorry for myself the first week, it was darn sore, but I survived, and I am still being careful, really don't want a repeat of that!

Yes, we have to do things slower, very frustrating, but way better than injuring oneself. I tend to be a night owl, so often end up going to bed at midnight and not getting enough sleep, especially now that Arthur's not here to keep me in check ;)

I often think of you @owasco, and how you just get on with life despite your enormous loss. Take care of yourself <3

The loss of my son has brought me the lovely gain of you, @lizelle. One of the best things about hive is the possibility of an enduring bond with someone thousands of miles away. Exchanges of letters did this in earlier times.

Thank you for your thoughts! We're both doing fine, still in the world of being the best we can be. xo

Awe it warms my heart to hear you say that @owasco, I feel the same bond.
When I first joined Hive, I never expected to find solace here, that we can 'write our hearts out' and at the same time meet kindred spirits.

Thank you for sharing and for caring, sounds corny I know, but it's true💞

Tragic events can bring differing reactions and often whatever reaction a person has is the right one at the time. Time is a healer they say, but I think it's not time, I think it's the mind, the way perspective applies, how we reevaluate and proceed that heals as you seem to be doing takes time though.

Thank you for sharing a little, it's good to see passion and personality in a post, something that's becoming more rare around here.

Yes you're so right, we all deal with tragedies differently. I find myself swinging between anger and acceptance, tears to laughter, demotivated to energetic. It's like being on a seesaw, especially in the beginning, and yes, it softens over time, but that big hole remains.

I wish I could pass on a piece of advice my Mom was given after losing her second child untimely.
10 simple words:

You have to get on with the job of living!

That's what I'm trying to do, plus writing down my feelings here on Hive also has been very therapeutic.

Thank you for your encouragement @galenkp.

Not that it matters what I think, but I believe you're on the right track following that wisdom. There'll be good and bad moments, hopefully they balance each other. Your partner goes everywhere you do because he's in your heart and memory, I think that's a nice way to proceed.

Thank you @galenkp, the good and bad moments are starting to balance themselves indeed. unlike those first few awful months!
I do believe hubby is watching over me and will always be a part of my psyche.
Have a great week!

@tipu curate 2

Sadly, no one really enjoys life as it should until they reach a specific age and realize that no year, day, or experience will ever play again in their favor. I started feeling that a couple of years ago and ever since I try to take advantage as best as I can at every single minute spent awake. But an even more sad part of life is that for some reason I feel like the last few years really passed way too fast. Like yesterday was the beginning of the pandemic and now I woke up in a completely new year without even realizing where the others in between went...

I'm so glad you're making the best of each day @gabrielatravels and that you share much of it here with us in Hive!

It really is as if the world has become a different place ever since Covid, and so many people I speak to feel the same, time is flying by at such a rate, it's quite unreal!

An interesting article can be found here about whether the earth is spinning faster, like 29 June 2022 became the shortest day ever, yet scientists say this is nothing unusual- take a peak if you're interested -

That got me shivers going down the spine and I haven't even read the article yet. Going to access it now!

Hi @gabrielatravels, my apologies, I shared the wrong link with you, was rushing as we were about to have load shedding. Here it is -

Hey! No worries, I thought so but it was a good read for that one too! Thank you for sharing the link :) Wish you a lovely day!

Thank you for understanding, you must have wondered where I was coming from 🤣
Have a great week Gabriella <3

No at all! I found it very interesting and I knew you would fix that with a new food for the mind! ❤️

You, my dear friend, are seven shades of awesome. You really are. I completely agree with everything you said up there. Sounds like a fun project, and a good way to keep moving, indeed. Good luck to you with it :)

Awe you're so sweet my friend!
It's really exciting to see how that woode blends in with the shrubs and makes the area way more cosy.
I'm very impatient though when I start a project, can't wait to see the end of it, but my brother goes in to hospital tomorrow and my gardener will only be back here on Tuesday.
If it wasn't for this surgery, I'd be down there planting and doing a ton of little things, but I need to be obedient or suffer the consequences😉
I hope you've had a good weekend @honeydue!

I also have to start tackling Tom's list. The vehicles have had the attention first. Then the house... Baby steps.

I'm so glad that you've started whittling Tom's list down.

I'm sure you're still swinging between 'I'm going to be ok' to utter despair.

Tackling jobs like this does help, but also makes me sad, as I can just see how Arthur would have been drawing out a plan first to get the 'geometrics' correct, and the satisfaction he got when the job's done.

Baby steps for sure, I need to remember that!

Take care of yourself Fiona xxx

I completely get you on the mixed feelings. And yes, it has to be baby steps. Sometimes when you look back, they're also giant leaps forward. Sterkte vriendin xx

Everything is moving forward step by step :). Keep it up. greetings from Germany

That's all we can do not so, just to keep on going!
I hope to visit Germany when I visit my son in the Netherlands some time this year.
Thank you for the visit @bigsavage

Hello, @lizelle, I applaud you for that attitude. That's the way to go. It doesn't matter if the list grows, just keep moving forward and enjoy the process. I hope you fully recover from your surgery and that the project turns out beautiful. I'm sure you'll be pleased, of course!

Hey @nanixxx, thank you for the encouragement and good wishes.
You are so right about that list, and if I don't get it all done and dusted, it's also ok.
I do believe we need to have goals, and when I get impatient, I remember my hubby's calm demeanor when it came to projects around the house, and then tell myself to slow down and wait for another day!

Good post, having a busy mind helps to innovate despite those unforgettable moments that every being goes through.
I admire your will because it is all in the person to want to overcome and follow the earthly path, because that is what your soul mate would want.
My best wishes, I loved the posts, I hope you solve everything and forwards and backwards.

Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement, @emily22.
I like how you put it about following one's earthly path. my soulmate for sure would have wanted me to continue, and still live a full life.
Have a great week <3

Good to hear you feeling a lot stronger in health after hernia mishap, one does have to tackle life, keep going with a plan to the future.

Having assisted my little sister through selling her home last year (tedious 18 month uphill) I realized so many rules have changed while we were not watching!

Have started updating plans for the house (before all the architects we know pension off permanently)_, repairs need to be done. Started this year with a bang, hubby not doing any chores as in previous years, I will plod along finding my way. We need to have home paperwork up to-date, I would hate to leave this for sons to sort out.

Whether one sells or stay, laws have all altered we need to update!

Wishing you everything of the best taking over additional tasks you never anticipated.


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You're so right Joan, I shudder to think of the day I have to sell. We have approved plans for all the buildings and some retaining walls. A friend's having a hiccup from the rates department, whatever the delay is, I have no idea!
I have a file with all our legal stuff, policies etc but need to get all the approved building plans together as well as the bnb registration docs. It was bad enough getting everything together for the estate matters, but at least I knew where to look for hard copies and on the computer, don't want to leave that for the kids one day!
It's good getting the little maintenance tasks done now, Arthur was not well for a long time!
Loadshedding in 4 min!

Once we pulled out plans from over the years it was still realized some things were not on plan, crazy new rules....

Have realized many new adherence required money making scam, it's simply safer to prepare and check from scratch once again, when markets adjust I would love to get off the coast, back inland away from humidity.

Loadshedding is going to fray the nerves of even the strongest after so many years of false promises.